Thursday, November 15, 2018


A wise man once said; "solitude with the divine draws our deepest meditation  for revelation." It's one line that has never departed from me ever since, I could probably account this to the fact that before, I had fallen so much in love with being alone. The friends, 'family'-meets I turned and continue to turn down in the name of being alone, just me and my thoughts.

To me this is a place I go to listen to all the crazies In my head. While sitting in that taxi in a midst of complaining passengers about all sorts of things, the traffic, the government, the speed of the vehicle, the noisy neighbor, the odour, the weather. Then there's me, seated at the back next to a window, no word uttered but In the deepest thought of what it all means, what this time, this specific time means for all of these people in the taxi, from the conductor to the mother hushing her baby to sleep to the driver listening in to obituaries, what does this exact time really mean to them, what may be going through each and everyone's mind. Is there actually something going on in their mind or they are intent on the things surrounding them at this time?

I guess everyone has thoughts that are made of things we see, read, listen to, watch, over hear. A great friend of mine recently said, "everything around us speaks" this I believe, and I know that nothing happens without a deeper reason to its occurrence. Take an example of the rain, the bible says when the clouds are full, they empty themselves. To some this rain happened because it just wanted to. And to another kid far so far away, they believe God pours out water and so it rains, this he has believed because he believes in his mother and his mother is all truth in his eyes.

A thousand social media platforms are up and active today, most of them trying to listen in on your thoughts, with questions like, "what's on your mind?" "What's happening?" I always answer them back each time I read them and my answer though not uttered is always. "And you do what." Crazy, right? 

I love to get away, far away from the chaos, away from the noise, the busy workplace, the tight schedules, the playful nephews and just sit by myself, lights off, just me in the dark, losing what's surrounding me into thoughts. I cant count the number of times a text came with words "you are so quiet" I so want to answer these people in many different ways like, "how do u know am not talking to someone at this moment," I can ask you the same thing," or "what do u want me to talk about." 

To many I just smile and thank God for smiling emoticons and emojis, I believe some are just entitled they just want to hear what you have to say, your opinion on a matter, they will draw you with funny whatsapp videos, texts, hoping you would say more than the auto saved "Hahahahahahahahah" Well, there are those that honestly miss you and your craziness, many that don't know where your crazy self is being showcased. 

I by the grace of God through the teachings and pattern of the ministry am submitted to, I have learnt it's okay not to say back when you could, counter-attack when attacked, probably because many of these matters are usually idle, they carry no weight and edify not. I always keep away, to many at that moment I seem peculiar which I am because they know any other person in my shoes would respond, give an opinion, involve themselves in this aimless conversation. I have always been this way, I guess, cartoons made more sense than very many things, I always choose to be quiet, listen in on the mind and what people have to say. It's the easiest way of knowing someone's thought life, the easiest way, because thoughts give employment to the words. As a man thinks so is He, and out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. 

I guess this is one distinction on me, the other day I was thinking on greatness, not on the things that get you there, neither on how you are great or not. I just seemed to be taken up by the thought of the time, the exact point one realizes that they are really great and they are worth so much more than crying over a call that didn't get a reception, being saddened by the friend that called them names, the invite to a party that seemed not to find their address. Sadly they are those that don't even have such hopes of being great, others have deemed other people's lives as the standard for greatness, to some, occasional victories or achievements define their greatness and always this kind will always hold onto accolades and will always want to take you back to the time they did this and that. The time they won the village eating competition in 1972, the time they were so great that every media platform knew what they were up to. Acknowledging past victories is not with issue but staying hang on the past is. Some of these happenings were to be milestones of your walk on this earth. Staying grounded and satisfied with these monuments overlooks the potential to do more, achieve bigger, conquer greater.

Then they are those that are great because of their nature so to say, you can feel their greatness even before the world recognizes that they are so much, incomparable to many. The latter kind are usually humble, and certainly not of the things they force themselves to do, but am persuaded the reason for this is the fact that they know it's inborn not that it had anything to do with what they did, what they will ever do. It seems to me that any one can be great, ANY one; why I think so is simply because I believe God is great and this is nature shared in by all those that believe as many as he draws. So what gets you here is purely belief. Belief in him that is great. He that has made His own the heads, royalty, and with influence.

The assurance and persuasion of greatness to very many people is within the words of God of which it's impossible for Him to lie, He that is Light and in whom there's no darkness at all, who perfects all that concerns us. The men of this world have taken on some of these principles to make greatness, a reward for hard work, perseverance, being consistent in these things and of course the 'five steps that get you to the top' the 'eleven ladders that make you great'

It's when these words of God are shared in their rightful contexts, their gentleness, and purity, it's from these that lives are set free, destinies are aligned, path ways are foregone to take on this sure road, a lively hope, a peaceful one, one that assures you of a presence with the divine that will never leave you nor forsake you. It's by this word that many get to know their true inheritance in this resurrection life. The more death to self and the body, the more life is spread to all aspects of life, ministry, businesses, marriages, careers, vices, relationships, thought patterns. 

It seems to me that the greatest gift any one has ever rewarded another is the chance to this life, a life full of freedom which was purchased highly. Men realize how great they are, how greater they are destined to become when they understand their selves in this life, the seed incorruptible that has begotten them, the glory that has been given, the acquisition of every spiritual blessing there can ever be, the unfailing, unfading presence of a help in time of need. There's no way this can leave you thinking it's for a chosen few, greatness is to all. Sadly many stop at being saved and others attribute this place to a future date when they will go to heaven, which is okay but think with me for a moment what could become of each and everyone that beholds and dares to believe on this life eternal filled with all the greatness there's. Think of how many would be rekindled in the same manner to go out to the world to live out as pattern of what the Gardner is laboring in them, His will imprinted on their spirits. For example we all carry an influence, some have a bigger influence than others, but we all do, we all have a world we can frame, it's all up to us having been blessed of being begotten after a nature that's a creative force inherently by its own inherent power. We are the "light" of the world. A city set on a hill that cannot be hid.

We are great, so great each one of us. It's saddens to think that many believe otherwise on first sight of adversity and turmoil. Of which trials come for the sake of the word that we have held onto, or rather that has held onto us. Then what's the point of being ambassadors of God, if we let down on the image that's has been shed on us, when will we sincerely have the glory that will draw men to himself because they beheld our lives as patterned after seeing him lifted up in all things, him seated at the right hand of the father, being in cognition of the truth that as he is so are we, that we live, move and have our being in him, that what we have a lively hope that remains even after a shaking. To the point that when men read us, they see him living in us, working in us both to will and to do according to his good pleasure, us growing into him in all things; For transformation in the very image is beholding him the exalted one like In a mirror, setting our minds and hearts upon Him, in full comprehension that being joined to the Lord makes us one Spirit with him, indivisible that when they look at us, they see Him, the greatness living on the inside of us, too supreme compared to anything in this world. That all manner of deception that ensnared the past generations in traditions of men, worldly belief systems is dealt with in the simplicity of the Gospel. ~ Kik Rogers


  1. Greatness; call it distinction.....Am inspired to behold this greater truth more and more.
    Thank you my Kindred!


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        It has been a while since this guy put pen to paper but here we are. He claims he has been busy, work's been tight, and excuse...